Whenever someone asks me what my favorite bands are, I have a hard time answering. There are so many good bands to choose from, that its difficult to pick just one. A lot of it depends on my mood, the weather, and what I'm doing while I'm listening to the music. As of right now, my top three favorite bands and musicians are The Black Keys, The Kooks, and Kate Nash.
No matter what I am doing, I never get sick of listening to The Black Keys. They are an all-around great band. I love all of their albums, but have recently been listening to their new album "El Camino" nonstop. My favorite songs on this album have to be "Little Black Submarines" and "Mind Eraser," although it is very hard to choose. Overall, I like how this album sounds as a whole. I could listen to it over and over again without getting sick of it. No matter what album I'm listening to of theirs, it is always phenomenal. I hope to someday be able to see them in concert, seeing as I missed my chance this summer.
The Kooks are another favorite band of mine. They always put me in a good mood when I listen to them. I love their style and lyrics. A lot of times when I'm stressed out I will listen to them because it's difficult to be angry when they are playing in the background. Their 2011 album "Junk of the Heart" is fantastic, but I also like "Konk" too. Overall, they're a great band.
Lately, I have also been listening to a lot of Kate Nash. Throughout the past few years, I have gone through stages of really liking her music to thinking it was okay. In the past few weeks, however, I have been listening to her a lot. I really like her lyrics and she has a fantastic voice. I have always loved her song "Foundations," and think that her song "Navy Taxi" is also very nice to listen to while doing my homework. She is definitely worth listening to.
Foundations is one of my favorite Kate Nash songs!! I also like the song "Nicest Thing" by her.