Monday, November 21, 2011

A Difficult Decision

It is next to impossible for me to answer the question of what my favorite musical genre is because I listen to such a variety of music.  My Pandora account is a complete mess because of all the radio stations that I have.  I cannot make a simple decision as to what kind of music I would like to listen to at one time and would rather listen to a big selection rather than one limited by its category.  I don't really categorize music by genre in my head, but rather into what I do and do not like.  For the most part, however, I probably lean toward listening to more Alternative music, rock music, or music with an indie feel to it more than anything else.  Lately, I have been listening to a lot of Vampire Weekend, The Black Keys, The Shins, The Vaccines, and Neutral Milk Hotel.  These are some of my favorite bands, and are great to listen to while trying to relax or while trying to get work done.  In addition to these bands, lately I've been listening to a lot of Bon Iver, Matt and Kim, and Cold War Kids, which are all great bands.  I really cannot subscribe to liking one music genre.  I am also a big fan of a lot of female singers and songwriters in this group, including many from England such as the late Amy Winehouse, Kate Nash, and Lily Allen.  There are also many outliers of many different bands and singers that I like, but do not necessarily like the rest of their genre they are in.  These could include Tom Petty, Buddy Holly, Frank Sinatra, and others on the complete opposite of the spectrum such as Mac Miller, Lil Wayne, and Katy Perry.  One artist that I have always completely loved but have never been quite able to place is Jason Mraz.  All of his music is so diverse that it is hard to place into just one category.  I love it because the lyrics and the way he uses the words in some of his songs is so clever and beautiful.  I also listen to a lot of music from around the world, which just adds to the confusion of trying to choose just one genre.  Overall, I really just listen to whatever I feel like at the moment, depending upon what kind of mood I'm in. 

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